Who’s this ludicrous pillock? I hear you bleat. Well, c’est moi.

I know. Reason insists I chose my wardrobe while distracted by hideous grief. What can I say? I’m a maverick.

Pics by Katie Utting: kattie_utting@yahoo.com

Preparations for the Open Mic campaign continue at considerable pace. Get in touch if you’ve got any open mic nights to recommend!

2 thoughts on “Press Shots”

  1. What a handsome man you are! You seem to have caught a nasty case of ‘badges’ though. Too much time grinding up against the trembling frame Byron Vincent, no doubt. I think there are creams you can get for that.

  2. I may have contracted Byron’s badges, but, more saliently – do I detect the classical elegance of the N Filer coiffeur in my newly-trimmed barnet? Perhaps I speak out of turn, Nathan, but I think I do.

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