So yeah, those of you who came to the Local Boys Done Good edition of HOMEWORK will remember we did a show all about our hometowns. Well, guess what? If you missed it or just forgot it or loved it so much that you want to be locked in a cell with it projected onto your clammy delighted face 24-7 then fortune has shined upon you, friend, because it’s up on Youtube. BOOM:









The more eagle-eyed, beagle-nosed and smeagle-fingered amongst you may have noticed a distinct absence of Tim-ness in this video collection. Well, that’s cos when it came to doing my bit I heinously overran, plinking and a-plonking on my uke and waffling, and ended up going to about 23 mins or something insano. I think we all agreed it didn’t really work as a conclusion, well-intentioned though it was, so rather than cram it in there, I’m rewriting my section for when we continue to develop the show next year. It’ll be all polished up with a brand spanking new ending, extra bits, slicker delivery, and a slightly more aged, paunchier cast. On the plus side, this means we haven’t given everything away online, so if you come to see us, you’ll find out how it all ends, what it all meant, and hear me playing the ukulele. We’re performing it at Norwich Arts Centre on Monday 8th February, so pen that monster in your diaries, yo. Hope you enjoy these flicks. If you do, commenting on them and posting them somewheres else like your blog or your Facebook wall would be a super-helpful indulgence. Gotta spread the word. Peace out.

2 thoughts on “Local Boys Done Vid”

  1. The first use of "BOOM:" that I've come across. The colon and BOOM have never been friendly before. It's always hanging with that poser, the exclamation mark. Good to see it maturing.

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