So, in case you don’t know, I’m kicking off a pilgrimage to open mic nights big and small all over the country (and a few beyond). I’ve got a tentative itinerary, although given that these events are mostly run by diligent amateurs, I’ve got to expect that I may turn up in a couple of places only to find a burnt out husk and crisp packets scuttering in the tainted breeze. Although to be fair I’ve been let down more times by ostensible ‘professionals’ than I have by enthusiastic volunteers.
It all starts on April 2nd. My head’s thumping from the logistics of it, but I think that’s probably because, mentally, I’m attempting to do the entire journey in my mind, which is silly. But look – if you are about in any of these places and would like to come and say hello, please visit and say ‘hello’. I will be so grateful for your kindness I will probably clutch at you, weeping with reverence. I’ll put up May dates a little closer to the time. Also, hey if you live in any of these places and could offer me a dry spot to crash on for the night, I will love you and rhapsodise about you to everyone I meet. Also, if there’s anyone in London who wants to come with me to the ‘Comedy Virgins’ gig on the 13th, that’d be fab – I think they’ve got some bizarrely draconian stipulation where if you don’t turn up with at least one friend you’re barred from performing. Hmm.
Really time, bad jpg.
Honestly the worst jpg ever.
Your compression sucks.
I know, I know. I did it as a lovely html table but it kept adding half a page of blank space, so in the end I thought fuck it. I haven’t got the time or the inclination to fight the bastard thing. You can read it. That’s all that matters.