I’m still on tour with Mark Grist and MC Mixy, touring poets’ graves. We’ve visited Sylvia Plath, Philip Larkin, Lord Byron and William Shakespeare. We’ve gigged in a school, an office, a cinema and two castles. We’ve met a staffie, a pug, a whippet-collie cross, an Irish wolfhound, a white labrador and an angry newfoundland.
You can read a bit about what we’ve been up to here. I’ll restart the normal blog schedule on Monday. I hope you’re well. Thank you for all the support and retweets and suggestions you’ve sent while we’ve been on tour. If you want to see the piece BBC News shot on us, you can watch it here.
I’ve been overwhelmed by people’s hospitality. It makes me feel very humbled and happy to have been taken in by so many kind, funny, interesting, generous people all over the country. Having chats after shows, eating delicious homecooked meals, and planning the next day’s route with our hosts have been some of my highlights of a really fun tour. And thank you to everyone who chucked 50p or a quid in to help us with our petrol costs, or who bought some merch. We’ve managed (so far) to do a tour without any funding, without spending any of our own money. Amazing.